Baní Chocolates was my final assignment for my packaging design class. I had the choice to redesign the package design of a known product or make my own product. I decided to create Baní Chocolates. I chose to look back on my heritage and where I come from, the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is known for many things, such as for exporting a number of goods, chocolate being one of them. in the DR, the cocoa sector is small and has received less attention than other agricultural exports. However, this sector has undergone considerable changes in the last 20 years, most notably in quality. It is continuing to grow and secure a position in the chocolate/cocoa market and is clearly deserving of greater attention.
For this project, I decided to approach this project and build the brand like as if it was my own family who started a chocolate company. My great grandfather Joaquin Medina would have been the one to have "started" Baní Chocolates. I built the branding and voice for this chocolate company as a business which started as a family business and grew as the time went on. A brand that was based on a traditional and somewhat vintage/old style and would have colors that pop and reflect the company's chocolate products. In the end, I wanted a brand/project that reflected the strong visual history of my Dominican heritage.