This work was made with the Janssen team at Ogilvy on the Erleada prostate cancer treatment toolkit. This was a toolkit branded to be an engaging experience that can prepare patients for "the battle" that prostate cancer is. I helped design elements like the pamphlet
This work was made with the Janssen team at Ogilvy on the Erleada prostate cancer treatment toolkit. This was a toolkit branded to be an engaging experience that can prepare patients for "the battle" that prostate cancer is. I helped design elements like the pamphlet
Erleada Welcome Fighting Kit (information pamphlet, stickers, pills, and other materials).

Erleada (apalutamide) Website
I helped make layout and copy updates.
I helped make layout and copy updates.

Philips "Dare to Dream" Sleep Machine Banners
Work was done with the Janssen team at Ogilvy on the Erleada prostate cancer treatment toolkit. This was a toolkit branded to be an engaging experience that can prepare patients for "the battle" that prostate cancer is. I helped design elements like the pamphlet